Melanie Boël
Lecturer and teaching assistant in ecophysiology

Journal Publications
Boël, M., Veyrunes, F., Roussel, D. and Voituron, Y. (2022) “Does high mitochondrial efficiency carry an oxidative cost? The case of the African pygmy mouse (Mus mattheyi)”. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology – Part A.
Voituron, Y, Boël M, Roussel D. (2020) “Mitochondrial threshold for H2O2 release in skeletal muscle of mammals” Mitochondrion, 54, 85-91.
Boël M, Romestaing C, Duchamp C, Veyrunes F, Renaud S, Roussel D and Voituron Y. (2020) “Improved mitochondrial coupling as a response to high mass-specific metabolic rate in extremely small mammals” Journal of Experimental Biology, 223: jeb215558.
Boël M, Romestaing C, Roussel D and Voituron Y (2019) “Allometry of mitochondrial efficiency is set by metabolic intensity” Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 286, 20191693.
Roussel D, Boël M, Mortz M, Romestaing C, Duchamp C, Voituron Y. (2019) “Threshold Effect in the H2O2 Production of Skeletal Muscle Mitochondria during Fasting and Refeeding.” Journal of Experimental Biology, January, jeb.196188.
Roussel D, Boël M and Romestaing C. (2018). “Fasting Enhances Mitochondrial Efficiency in Duckling Skeletal Muscle by Acting on the Substrate Oxidation System.” Journal of Experimental Biology 221 (Pt 4).
Rivera-Ingraham G, Barri K, Boël M, Farcy E, Charle A L, Geny B, Lignot J H. (2016). “Osmoregulation and Salinity Induced Oxidative Stress: Is Oxidative Adaptation Determined by Gill Function?” Journal of Experimental Biology, 219, 80–89.
“Improved mitochondrial coupling as a response to high mass-specific metabolic rate in extremely small mammals” by Kathryn Knight in Inside JEB of Journal of Experimental Biology.

Popularized article

March 2022: 15th meeting Ecology and Behavior – Poster (Strasbourg, France).
Locomotion as a mechanism for heat production in very small endotherm? Boël M, Herpe L, Duchamp C,
Dechaume-Moncharmont F-X, Veyrunes F, Pichaud N, Romestaing C, Voituron Y and Roussel D.
October 2021: 5ème Colloque Ecophysiologie Animale – Poster (Montpellier, France).
Thermoregulation in an extremely small mammal: a complex picture. Boël M, Duchamp C,
Dechaume-Moncharmont F-X, Veyrunes F, Pichaud N, Romestaing C, Voituron Y and Roussel D.
January 2021: Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology – Oral presentation (Washington, Etats-Unis).
A three-quarter reduction of muscular metabolism in mammals: a universal mitochondrial threshold for reactive
oxygen species release? Boël M, Voituron Y and Roussel D.​
October 2019: 4ème Colloque Ecophysiologie Animale – Poster (Rennes, France).
Métabolisme musculaire des ceintures pelviennes et pectorales chez le jeune poussin de manchot royal
(Aptenodytest patagonicus). Robin J-P, Voisin M, Leplat E, Verdier T, Barbe J, Boël M, Roussel D.
October 2019: 4ème Colloque Ecophysiologie Animale – Oral presentation (Rennes, France).
Compromis bioénergétique chez un "nano" mammifère. Boël M, Romestaing C, Duchamp C, Veyrunes F,
Renaud S, Voituron Y and Roussel D.
August 2019 : 10th International Congress of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry – Poster
(Ottawa, Canada). Body mass dependence of mitochondrial efficiency is set by metabolic rates.
Boël M, Romestaing C, Voituron Y and Roussel D.
October 2018 : SFECOLOGIE 2018 – International conference on ecological sciences – Oral presentation
(Rennes, France). Revisiting relationship between metabolism and body mass, incorporating ATP synthesis and
mitochondrial efficiency. Boël M, Romestaing C, Voituron Y et Roussel D.
August 2018 : 20th European Bioenergetics Conference – Poster (Budapest, Hungary). ATP, the forgotten nucleotide
in relationship between metabolism and body mass of individuals. Boël M, Romestaing C, Voituron Y et Roussel D.
May 2018 : 10ème Colloque MeetOchondrie – Poster (Pornichet, France). Allométrie et ATP : un versant
mitochondrial encore inexploré. Boël M, Romestaing C, Voituron Y et Roussel D.
November 2017: 3ème Colloque Ecophysiologie Animale – Oral presentation (Strasbourg, France). Mitochondrial
approach to study the relationship between metabolism and body mass of individual. Boël M, Romestaing C,
Voituron Y and Roussel D.
November 2015: 2nd Colloque Ecophysiologie Animale – Poster (La Rochelle, France). Is an hormetic effect
of free radicals mediating salinity acclimation in crabs? Rivera-Ingraham G, Barri K, Boël M, Farcy E,
Charles A L, Geny B, Lignot J L.
August 2015: The 9th International Congress of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry – Poster
(Kraków, Poland). How do osmoregulating tissues cope with oxidative stress? A Mediterranean crab as a study.
Rivera-Ingraham G, Barri K, Boël M, Farcy E, Charles A L, Geny B, Lignot J L.