Melanie Boël
Lecturer and teaching assistant in ecophysiology
Theoretical skills: integrative and comparative physiology – behavior - ecophysiology – bioenergetics – conceptual framework around life history traits
Technical skills :
Indirect calorimetry
Polarographic measurements from mitochondrial to whole-animal scales
Bioenergetics measurements on isolated mitochondria (ATP synthesis, Reactive Oxygen Species)
Enzymatic activity measurements
Oxydative damage measurements (caspases)
Behavior analysis and activity of organism
Research experiments
Sept 2022 - In progress
Lecturer and research assistant
Ecosystèmes, Biodiversité, Evolution (Ecobio) - UMR 6563 CNRS, UR1
Sept 2021 - Aug 2022
High school teacher
Lycée agricole de Cibeins
Sept 2020 - Aug 2021
Lecturer and research assistant
Laboratoire d'Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes Naturels et Anthropisés (LEHNA)
Oct 2016 - Mar 2020
PhD student
Laboratoire d'Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes Naturels et Anthropisés (LEHNA)
Jan 2016 - Jun 2016
Laboratoire d'Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes Naturels et Anthropisés (LEHNA)
Jan 2015 - Feb 2015
MArine Biodiversity Exploitation & Conservation (MARBEC)
Apr 2013 - Jun 2013
L'Institut Supérieur d'Agriculture Rhône-Alpes (ISARA)
Physiological and behaviarol impacts of a nano-plastic ingestion
The project aims to study the locomotion behavior as well as the metabolism in insects having ingested or not microplastics.
Impact of sexual determinism on physiology and behavior of African pygmy mice​
African pygmy mouse has a sexual determinism that differs from the classical XX / XY sexual determinism system. In this species, a “feminizing” X* chromosome inevitably results in a female when it is present, even in the presence of a Y chromosome: thus we find XY males as well as XX, X*X and X*Y females (all females are then fertile, including the X*Y females). The objective of the project is to continue the phenotyping in M. minutoides by performing behavioral and physiological measurements (enzymatic activity, mitochondrial bioenergetics and indirect calorimetry), to evaluate the impact of the sexual genotype on the measured parameters.
Does Mus mattheyi use muscle work as a heat source during the day?
Investigating behavior and metabolic rate, by indirect calorimetry, in two small African pygmy mice: Mus mattheyi and Mus minutoides. This study would make it possible to know if M. mattheyi is more active than M. minutoides during the day, and thus to see if muscular work can be a source of heat, "at rest", in this species.
Effect of hybridization between two flycatcher species on the bioenergetics of individuals
Collared and pied flycatchers are capable of hybridizing and producing sterile individuals. Mitochondrial bioenergetics measurements were performed to assess the impact of hybridization on the metabolism of individuals. To do this, I set up a scientific field laboratory, trained a thesis student in the protocols of the high resolution respirometer (OROBOROS) and helped punctually with the identification of these birds in the field (rings and DNA). Field mission: setting up a scientific field laboratory on the island of Öland (Sweden) to study the two bird species (collared and pied flycatcher).
The allometric pattern obtained in birds compared to that of mammals
I helped the main actor (J. Barbe) of the project to collect mitochondrial bioenergetics variables in different avian species in order to compare, in fine, mammals to birds.
Mitochondrial bioenergetics as a physiological basis for understanding life history traits in mammals
I evaluated the relationship between mitochondrial bioenergetics parameters and body mass in mammals to provide a physiological basis for understanding life history traits of organisms. For this purpose, measurements of oxygen consumption, ATP synthesis and ROS production were performed on isolated skeletal muscle or liver mitochondria from different mammalian species (5 g to 600 kg).
Influence of young diet and refeeding on mitochondrial bioenergetics
The objective was to set up a protocol to measure mitochondrial oxidative cost (ROS/ATP), i.e. the amount of ROS generated per molecule of ATP synthesized.
Effects of domestication on mitochondrial function
I assisted the main actor (C. Romestaing) of the project by performing measurements of bioenergetics parameters for mitochondria isolated from liver in wild-type and SWISS mice. The goal was to identify changes in mitochondrial function that may be related to domestication.
Impact of food restriction on both mitochondrial efficiency and lipid metabolism in duck
The objective was to evaluate the effect of fasting on skeletal muscle mitochondria of duckl (Cairina moschata) in the presence of lipid substrates.
Impact of salinity on oxidative balance of gills from Carcinus aestuarii
Assessing the impact of salinity on crabs, measuring their oxygen consumption at whole animal scale, the activities of antioxidant enzymes (SOD, CAT) and the oxidative damage in their gills, involved in different physiological functions (respiration or osmoregulation).
Achievement of a microbial strain collection capable of producing exopolysaccharides and diacetyl
Creating a microbial strain collection to find a bacterium capable to produce both exopolysaccharides and diacetyl, and to growth in flour-based culture medium.
Professionnal and academic formations
Claude Bernard Lyon I
University (Villeurbanne)
Claude Bernard Lyon I
University & ENS (Villeurbanne)
Claude Bernard Lyon 1
University (Villeurbanne)
Claude Bernard Lyon 1
University (Villeurbanne)
Claude Bernard Lyon 1
University (Villeurbanne)
Claude Bernard Lyon I
University (Villeurbanne)
PhD degree
Research Ethics Training
University Degree "Expérimentation animale niveau I"
Master's degree "Physiologie Intégrée en Conditions Extrêmes"
Bachelor's degree in biology
Technical University Degree in biology